In the market today, there are new smart drug products that come up all the time, such as Sunifiram.
In Depth Look At Sunifiram
Considered as Ampakine, Sunifiram is designed specifically to help enhance memory and learning abilities, improve decision making, and increase attention span. Though it is always compared Piracetam, Sunifiram is a cognitive enhancer that allegedly offers more potency.
Compared to Piracetam, Noopept is 1,000 times better in terms of potency according to some people. They also say the same thing about Sunifiram. This is the reason why it became very popular all of a sudden. There are already people that claims Sunifiram is among the best smart drugs today because of its limited side effects, cognitive benefits, and potency.
Origin of Sunifiram
Obviously, the drug is just a newcomer. It was 2000 when it was synthesized first. Sunifiram has shown that it is effective in enhancing focus and boosting memory according to early clinical studies. Though it has been discovered as early as 2000, Sunifiram became popular only recently because it was only last year when it became available commercially. Thus, the sudden online and offline media attention for the smart drug.
For casual users of nootropic drugs, the most popular Ampakine for them today is Sunifiram. Though unlike other nootropics it does not have a long history in terms of clinical research, there are thousands of customer reviews online all claiming the drug as a miracle productivity nootropics.
Functions of Sunifiram
The same brain receptors are affected when people consume Sunifiram or racetams. Why then Sunifiram is called Ampakine instead of racetam? This is because Sunifiram stimulates the AMPA receptors, which regulates the brain’s glutamate.
Glutamate is responsible for the facilitation of neurotransmission, which has a wide range and powerful effects on cognitive functions. When you take Sunifiram, you can expect better focus, improved mental energy, and better memory. It was found out that there is a low level of glutamate in the brain when a person has short attention span.
Sunifiram is also responsible in the stimulation of acetylcholine production. Acetylcholine helps in enhancing our learning, focus, memory and perception. It also helps in the facilitation of communication between the brain’s two hemispheres.
Benefits of Sunifiram
A wide range of powerful cognition enhancing effects is what Sunifiram promises. The drug is worth your try if you want improved memory and better focus. Below are the benefits when you try the nootropic drug:
Improved Working or Short-term Memory
Sunifiram was originally designed as a cognitive enhancer that boosts memory. There are clinical studies that have shown that there is a link between improvement of short-term memory and usage of Sunifiram. Working memory is another term for short-term memory. There are users who reported that they were able to recall an information that they heard for the first time several hours earlier. They said that this is something they can’t do before.
Improved Motivation and Levels of Energy
Sunifiram effectively reduces the levels of your brain’s dopamine deterioration, which results to the enhancement of your motivation and mood and boost in your levels of energy. There are people that also needs a boost in motivation instead of only a boost in focus and memory. For this, Sunifiram will work effectively.
Increased Concentration
One of the most popular effects of the smart drug is its capability to help users reduce distraction from external stimuli. This allows you to have more focus at the current task you need to accomplish. This is the reason why many professional and students use the nootropic.
Reduced Anxiety
The nootropic is effective in reducing anxiety and relieving stress because of its anxiolytic benefits. You can have better focus on your task when you are less anxious and less stressed.
How To Use Sunifiram
Because it is one of today’s smart drugs with the most potency, Sunifiram should be taken in small doses. This is particularly true for beginners. When you purchase Sunifiram, it is in powder form so you should follow the smallest dose recommendation, which is written on the packaging. Usually, a small dose is about 3-4 mg.
You can take the drug either under your tongue or sublingually, which is simply stirring the powder into a glass filled with water. When you take it under your tongue, you’ll feel a minor tingling or fizzing sensation. However, taking it sublingually is the fastest way to feel the results.
You can increase the dosage to 5-8 mg when you have already more experience taking the smart drug. The 5-8 mg dose is the average amount that many experienced users take. When exactly do you increase dosage? After at least one week of the smallest dosage. Currently, there are still studies to determine the long-term effects of the nootropic so never consume it higher than 10 mg.
Unlike other smart drugs, Sunifiram is relatively expensive. However, you can consume it for longer because of the small dose required every day. In addition, it has high potency so you still get a good ratio of price and performance from the drug.
Sunifiram – Any Side Effects
Sweating, nausea, restlessness, and headaches are the possible side effects of Sunifiram. When Sunifiram starts to wear off, that’s the only time people feel the side effects. You may consider stacking Sunifiram with choline when you get headaches consistently. You have the tendency to acquire headache when Sunifiram cannot access the fuel that is need in acetylcholine production. Choline supplements, which are non-toxic, provide the brain with the fuel so it can continuously produce acetylcholine.
For other people, the smart drug can have other side effects. So, it’s always better to consult the doctor before purchasing Sunifiram. Generally, don’t take the nootropic when you have liver problems or heart conditions.
Purchase Sunifiram Online
Currently, Sunifiram is not available to most retail stores. You have to buy it online. To be sure, look for certification symbols and ordering forms that are secure.