As a nootropic compound, Sulbutiamine is popular for being an anxiolytic.
In many ways, Sulbutiamine is able to boost cognition and reduce anxiety. It’s not actually a complex chemical even if its name sounds crazy. To put it simply, Sulbutiamine is composed of two molecules of Thiamine or Vitamin B1 that are combined together. This makes the compound, through the type of bond from the two molecules, more able to cross the brain-barrier easily. This makes Sulbutiamine a lot more superior than pure thiamine and Vitamin B1 supplements.
In the market, Arcalion is the brand name that sells Sulbutiamine. Its ability to boost alertness, overall mental performance, memory and to stimulate properties are the reasons why it is a prized nootropic supplement.
As an anxiolytic, it also helps reduce stress, inspire calmness, and improve mood.
Background Of Sulbutiamine Compound
In 1926, Thiamine was isolated and, in 1936, it was synthesized.
After the Second World War, Japanese researchers were looking for an effective way to allow people to have access to Thiamine. White rice is the staple food in the country, as it can be grown in the islands naturally but it lacks Thiamine. So, even though rice is a good source of energy, there needs to be another food or source that will provide more nutrients. This led to the synthesizing of Sulbutiamine.
There were a lot of disorders and health problems that time. These include fatigue, widespread lethargy, and Beriberi, which is a Thiamine deficiency disorder. With severe health problems, taking Thiamine is not effective. The body has difficulty absorbing it because of its poor bioavailability.
The Japanese researchers were able to synthesize Thiamine and were able to form Sulbutiamine, which is also higher in bioavailability. As a result, Japan was able to cure the widespread cases of Beriberi. Though it’s not always the case, the nootropic researchers apparently were able to save the country.
During the 1970s, after the Japanese synthesis, Sulbutiamine has been being tested all over the world to determine its health benefits and nutritional effects. Today, there are now numerous studies, which were rigorously done, that revealed how Sulbutiamine supplementation could deliver numerous significant benefits.
In a Malaysian study in 2002, it was found that Sulbutiamine improves diabetic patients’ peripheral nerve function. Then in 2003, an Indian study was conducted to measure the anti-infective effects of the compound. The result showed that all asthenic symptoms in around 505 of the patients were completely resolved. Around 20% of them gained substantial improvements.
In the market today, Sulbutiamine is not just one of the most popular but also the most diverse nootropic supplement that provides mood improvement, cognitive functions improvement, and other benefits.
What Are The Benefits of Sulbutamine?
Thiamine and Sulbutiamine have similar benefits. However, Sulbutiamine has more powerful and effective benefits that are also quicker in their effects. When you’re under Sulbutiamine supplementation, you’ll get benefits such as:
- Enhanced Cognition
The systems of dopamine and glutamate are affected when you take Sulbutiamine. Most users report that their ability for overall cognition and logical thought were enhanced.
- Improved Communication Between Neurons
The supplement helps in the optimization of neurons communication. This leads to better attention and alertness. This is why it is used to treat chronic fatigue syndrome and similar disorders such as asthenia.
- Improved Memory
The levels of glutamate, dopamine, and acetylcholine in your brain are affected when you take Sulbutiamine. These neurotransmitters are all hugely responsible for the formation of memory particularly acetylcholine, which functions in the facilitation of storage, recall and absorption of new information.
- Increased Attention and Focus
Sulbutiamine raises the levels of dopamine, which results to attention and focus enhancement. This helps you, through executive functioning, to concentrate on tasks.
- Protects Nerves
A healthier neuroprotectivity is encouraged and myelin sheaths protection is enhanced. These provides neurotransmitters protection when they travel the whole nervous system. This leads to the enhancement of focus and overall cognition and reduction of multiple sclerosis symptoms.
- Reduced Anxiety and Stress
The supplements reduces stress and promotes a feeling of calmness when it raises the levels of dopamine. This is the reason why many take Sulbutiamine to counter stress and depression.
- Reduces Degenerative Brain Conditions Symptoms
The nootropic has been found to have promising results in treating many degenerative brain conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.
How To Properly Use Sulbutiamine
For a 24 hour period, 400 mg to 1,000 mg is the recommended Sulbutiamine dose. Your characteristics like weigh twill affect the dosage. Generally, before taking higher dosage levels, it is advised that beginners start with a low dosage.
The supplement can be purchased as either a powder or a pill. For experienced users, they buy in bulk and use the powder to create their own capsules. This allows them to have the nootropic at a lower price while having the accessibility and convenience of the capsule. They also do this because Sulbutiamine in capsule form doesn’t deliver the effects they expect. Thus, they customize the dose.
But personally, I recommend to avoid powder just because it doesn’t taste good. The capsules doesn’t give that awful taste. Even if you use milk with it, you won’t be successful in masking the foul and strong taste. There are users that mix it with milk because Sulbutiamine is soluble in fat.
This also means that the supplement shouldn’t be mixed with water or juice. Aside from milk, fish oil is great in getting the best results particularly when speaking about absorption. Aside from the dose’s effectiveness, it also works much faster when mixed with milk or fish oil.
When you plan to take the supplement for a long time, I suggest that you take it using an on and off schedule. This is to avoid the development of high tolerance. For example, take it for one week. Then take a break for one or two weeks before you take it again.
Possible Side Effects Of Sulbutiamine
While it has numerous benefits, Sulbutiamine only has a few side effects. This makes the nootropic really safe to use. Though side effect occur, there is a low risk of users experiencing them. Only when consumed in large amounts, Sulbutiamine side effects manifest.
A large amount is something more than the recommended dose of 1,000 mg every day.
Eczema-like discoloration and skin rashes are among the common side effects. There’s nothing to worry about the rashes though because they don’t last and they’re small and mild. Other users report they suffered from mood swings, which are common among those undergoing bipolar medications and bipolar people in general.
Other users find it hard to sleep or they lose appetite. Sulbutiamine targets dopamine receptors to act as a mild stimulant. This cause the trouble in sleeping for some users particularly when the nootropic is taken in the evening or afternoon.
This also means that the best time to take the nootropic drug is during mornings, which is just the right thing to do because you need its benefits for the tasks you’ll accomplish the rest of the day.
For some, the supplement is addictive. Though there is no evidence documented yet. However, everyone is requested to be cautious when taking the supplement. So, before taking the nootropic it is important to consult with a healthcare professional.
This is especially advised for people that are currently under any medication or having health concerns. When you are treating other symptoms or illnesses, it is not advisable to take the supplement because its side effects may be stronger when you are not completely well.
Where To Buy Sulbutiamine Online?
I highly recommend to buy Sulbutiamine online. On the Web, you can easily find many retailers of nootropic that offer free shipping of products to any part of the world. You won’t have any problem with the shipment in your country as long as there is no regulation or if it is regulated it is legal.
In more than 30 countries, Sulbutiamine is already widely available and legal. These include Egypt, Brazil, Nigeria, India, and many countries in Africa, Middle East, and Asia. In numerous countries in the West, the drug is unregulated.
In the United States, it is not marketed nor manufactured. The United States Food and Drug Administration hasn’t approved the drug yet. Well, these all mean that you won’t have any difficulty acquiring the nutritional supplement for individual consumption.
Sulbutiamine is also unregulated on the part of Health Canada. This means that any interested individual can import it to Canada without legal difficulties if the reason is for personal use.
In generally, there is no strict policy on the regulation of the nootropic supplement. However, it was made clear that it can be shipped or imported anywhere in the world for as long as it is done for personal usage or consumption.
So, purchase and consumption of Sulbutiamine doesn’t require prescription at all. The advantage of buying the nootropic online is that you can avail the most affordable price because you have a wide range of selection. There are many brands of Sulbutiamine that compete for consumers. Among the most popular brands are Enerion and Arcalion.